Sineva (Matis)
my boyfriend and a lot of friends have from this events trauma not only on the psyche. a lot of people scared and I try to help them, I know how to read tarot, tarot therapy, it works, I helped already and im happy that I can do something more for other people. My paintings from my dreams. Sometimes I see the future and I put it on canvas, for example: you can see on my 3 years old painting about actual events. what I want to say> I can help through my paintings, I hide there some symbols, sacred geometry and it works. I can heal people, now people need it. I have proves, if you need them.
I have more paintings, I would like to share it with you.
p.s.: in Tel Aviv im one year.. and I want help people through my paintings. Thank you.
Why Jesus?
70x 60
oil on canvas
Why Putin? (triptych)
90 x 120
oil on canvas
Aphrodite. Why she smoking?
90 x 70
Acryl + Oil on canvas
Broken Portal
100 x 120
Oil on canvas
Mermaid wants legs. Why?
100 x 120
oil on canvas